For as long as I can remember, I have been obsessed with travelling. I would pounce on anyone with a travelling story, wanting to know every detail ( I still do!). At that time, I was terrified of flying, to the point where I would turn down invitations if it meant I had to fly to get there. I did manage a few trips across the country. I envied people who were able to travel. Then my son’s wedding in Australia. I knew I had to do something. I did not want to be terrified for 13 hours. So a couple of sessions of hypnosis and a very dry but informative video of how planes fly and I was set to go. Now, I could be more than an armchair traveller.
Before I retired, I was restricted to a few weeks vacation and armchair travelling. After retirement, I morphed into an itinerate traveler, trying to travel and eat my way around the world. Now, I love to share my travel experiences and helpful travel tips as I discover new places, people, and food. I want to travel to places I’ve never been and experience new cultures and food. I will never tire of exploring the world around me.
I hope to inspire you to go out and explore the world. Maybe we will meet in some exotic place.
This quote by Andrew Zimmern is my philosophy to travelling. “Please be a traveller, not a tourist. Try new things, meet new people, and look beyond what’s right in front of you. Those are the keys to understanding this amazing world we live in.”
Also this quote from The Travel Bible: “I travel because I need to..because my wild adventurous spirit can’t live according to the “norm”. I travel to regroup, to reinvent myself, to be the best I can be, to find joy in the ordinary and places in exploring. I travel to be.”