My interview with Sandra Cano, a lawyer based in San Luis Potosi, was a fortunate opportunity. I first met Sandra at a fundraiser for a group of female lawyers, which was my initial introduction to their work. Later, I discovered that this group, led by Sandra and others, is dedicated to providing legal advice to women and children in need. They even go the extra mile to connect these individuals with other lawyers for court representation, if required.

This group, Sororal, was started by two lawyers who were doing pro bono work. They had so many women who needed their help that they started asking other female lawyers if they would help. They now have 28 members and are growing. Sandra is on a committee that interviews lawyers who want to be part of this group.

I asked Sandra if people found it easier to approach female lawyers, and she said yes because it is a patriarchal society. The problems are usually related to problems with men. Either in the home or at work. The women did not know where to go for help as any place they went would tell them, “No, you must go here or there.” The women would spend time trying to find where they could get help. They had to take time off work, pay for transportation, etc., just to be told it was the wrong place.

The group has been going for just a little over two years. Here are the stats of what type of situations they have helped with so far:

495 cases advised.

Women from 6 to 82 years of age.

63.3% of users are single.

72% have younger children.

89.8% stated they did not have the money to pay for legal services.

79.8% stated that they have gone to a public institution without results.

81% stated that the situation they live in has a violent component.

45% are matters related to non-compliance with custody, alimony, and child support.

40% are criminal matters related to physical, sexual, psychological, and economic violence with sexual abuse, rape and injuries of both legal age and girls and boys.

I asked Sandra if the patriarchal dominance was improving. She stated that it was getting better, but now there seems to be a backlash from the men.

This group continues to do good work for free. They are to be applauded.

The fundraiser was a lot of fun. Beautiful flamenco dancing as you will see in the video.

I am also including a link to The Two Travelers in Mexico. They were kind enough to allow me to interview Sandra at the same time they were.

Audience joining in the fun:

Marc and Paulette from The Two Travelers in Mexico have a wonderful, informative travel blog about Mexico. Check them out.

Here is a video of the of the flamenco dancing.